You Can’t Cheat the Universe

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Sir Isaac Newton postulated his three laws of motion centuries ago, but the truth contained in his laws are just as relevant today as they were when he first formulated his theories in 1687. While you may often think of his laws as applying only to Physics, you may not realize that they also apply to how we live and behave every day of our lives.

Dr.Stephen Covey refers to this natural law of human behavior as an emotional bank account. He states that you make deposits to this account when you do good things for others, like your spouse, significant other or family. A withdrawal comes when they do something positive for you. Covey postulates that you cannot make withdrawals for very long before you will be required  to make a deposit. For example, if you constantly want your significant other to take out the garbage, then you will need to have a positive balance in your account from running errands or other chores for her. This emotional bank account must always have a positive balance in it, or the desire for your partner to do something for you in return will not exist and soon you will find great resistance to your requests.

The Universe also operates in this fashion; whether you are studying physics or attempting to understand human behavior. However, as human beings, we frequently try to cheat the Universe every day. Often, we think we can “get away with something” by breaking a law, exhibiting questionable behavior, like drinking and driving, using illegal drugs, or simply doing less at work than we think we should. Sooner or later, the natural balance of the Universe will be restored and that imbalance will be restored, as surely as Newton’s laws postulate. Our bad behaviors will inexorably lead to fines, court dates, changes in employment, or other negative consequences. The Universe must eventually correct itself and our bill will certainly become due.

Yet, as human beings, we constantly attempt to cheat the Universe. We try to deduct a little too much on our taxes,and the dreaded audit arrives. Tell your boss that you are sick and sure enough, she discovers your “little white lie” when the television camera catches you at the ball game. Eat just a little bit of the wrong diet and don’t be surprised when that “lying scale” reveals the truth about your bad eating habits . It may take a while and you may think that you have won, just this time, but the Universe will adjust and it will always win.

It seems that we often forget, that no matter how smart we think we are, the Universe is always just a little bit smarter. Try to beat Newton’s law of gravity by jumping off a cliff and you will always discover that the law still applies, even when we think it might not apply just this time. It has been said that the true character of a person can be determined when they do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Your true character is demonstrated when you understand, that no matter what, you will always behave according to the natural laws of human behavior. You simply cannot ever expect to receive more than you give. The Bible calls this “reaping what you sow” and many of its parables illustrate times and events where someone tried to “beat the system.” with negative consequences always following.

The secret for continued success is to always sow more than you reap. Give a little more than is expected, help,even when no one is asking for assistance; do a good deed, even for someone who may not deserve it. What you will ultimately discover is that the Universe always pays you back for those efforts and it will do so in ways that you could not possibly imagine. Choose to live your life by always respecting the law of sowing and reaping and your reward will be a life truly well-lived and blessings beyond your wildest dreams. Because, try as you might, you simply cannot cheat the Universe for long. The Universe will always correct and it will always win….and so can you.